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Chrome for mac change the hyperlink color

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Note: The list of accepted keywords has undergone many changes during the evolution of CSS: Though many keywords have been adapted from X11, their RGB values may differ from the corresponding color on X11 systems since manufacturers sometimes tailor X11 colors to their specific hardware.Several keywords are aliases for each other:.The color keywords all represent plain, solid colors, without transparency.Unlike HTML, CSS will completely ignore unknown keywords.The other color keywords should only be used in CSS and SVG. HTML only recognizes the 16 basic color keywords found in CSS1, using a specific algorithm to convert unrecognized values (often to completely different colors).There are a few caveats to consider when using color keywords: Although the names more or less describes their respective colors, they are essentially artificial, without a strict rationale behind the names used. Color keywords are case-insensitive identifiers that represent a specific color, such as red, blue, black, or lightseagreen.